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Child Poverty

Save the Children is committed to enhancing the environments
in which children live and grow, employing
a comprehensive approach that bolsters family resilience
to ensure optimal development and well-being for children.
Likewise, our response to Child Poverty has been
centred on enabling affected populations to fulfil their
basic needs through the provision of Multi-Purpose Cash
Assistance (MPCA) and targeted sectoral support. This aid
in the form of cash assistance has empowered communities
and families to prioritize the specific needs of their household,
while upholding dignity.

Our program is structured to complement the efforts of the
Polish Government, offering additional support to vulnerable
families. Collaborating closely with municipalities,
voivodships, and international stakeholders like UN agencies
and NGOs, we’ve gradually extended our reach.
We maintain strategic relationships with voivodeships and
municipalities across different regions, including Malopolskie,
Podkarpackie, and Lubelskie.

These collaborations involve referring those in dire need of cash assistance residing
in collective shelters, as well as smaller towns and villages.